
Physiology deals with the understanding of mechanisms and functions ranging from cells to the organ systems. The department of physiology was started in the year 1949 when the medical college was established to start the MBBS course. The department has evolved as a PG department since 1973, and offers MD Physiology, M.Sc. and PhD. Medical physiology programs.

The Department also imparts knowledge of physiology to various Para medical courses including F.Y.B. Physiotherapy, B.Sc. nursing and Lab technicians.

Faculties are involved in research in applied human physiology since long. Special areas of research interest are Autonomic function tests, Sleep physiology, Nerve conduction studies, Pulmonary function tests, Exercise physiology, Treadmill stress testing, and Physiological effects of yoga.


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Gokhale Pradnya Ashish MD Professor & Head G-10468


Dr Rajeshri Bodat MD (Physiology) Professor G-14765


Ramesh Kantilal Patel MD (Physiology) Professor(H.G.) G-10625


Ashutosh Narayan Joshi MD (Physiology) Professor(H.G.) G-11145


Shah Shruti MD Associate professor G-11505


Parmar Sudha Lallubhai MD Associate professor PHY-2256943


Tavaid Bhavna MD Assistant Professor G-15131


Patel Hitendra MD (Physiology) Assistant Professor G-12017


Shah Bijal M. MD (Physiology) Assistant Professor G-13476


Parikh Hansa MD (Physiology) Associate Professor(H.G.) G-11275


Dabhoiwala Shahin MD (Physiology) Assistant Professor G-17387


Dashora Divya Ph.D Assistant Professor N.A


Patel Lajja Chhotubhai MD Tutor G-24711


Vagadiya Asha Bhikhabhai MD Tutor G-24316


Prashant Rajdeep MD Tutor G-19155


Thakur Deepti  Anurag Singh MD Tutor G-24756
  Shaesta Iqbal Samol MD Tutor G-24071


Non-Teaching Staff

1 Piyush Tadvi Lab. Technician
2 Indravadan Rathwa Lab. Technician
3 Rizwan Sheikh Clerk
4 Meenaben Class-4
5 Dineshbhai Class-4

Courses offered

·         MD Physiology

·         MSc (Med) Physiology

·         PhD (Med) Physiology

Department currently enrolls 3 MD and 5 MSc Students per year.

List of Publications

S.No Year Article
1 2023 Steffi A, Selot B, Kurien S. Effect of BMI on blood pressure in an apparently healthy individuals. Journal of cardiovascular disease research Vol14(9); 2023
2 2023 Rajdeep PL, Patel LC, Trivedi V, Panchal PP, Chaudhari R, Parmar K. Learning and evaluating the overlapping roles of physics and physiology in perceiving contrast and resolution in microscopy. SN Applied Sciences Vol5(12); 2023 
3 2022 Dave US, Gokhale PA, Makwana AH. Comparision of time domain Heart Rate Variability parameters between smokers and non-smokers. National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. NJPPP Vol12(11); September 2022
4 2022 Rajdeep PL, Patel LC, CD Steffy, Panchal PP. Spreading awareness of attenuating vehicular speed after lifting of COVID-19 lockdown using web-based estimation of visual reaction time for primary prevention of road traffic collision. Advances in Bioengineering & Biomedical Science Research. ABBSRVol5(2); June 2022
5 2022 Rajdeep PL, Patel LC, CD Steffy, Panchal PP. Suggesting time frequency representation of the obtained reaction time of the consecutive tasks in a driving simulator for determining the rate of change of brain frequency. Journal of Neurological disorders. J Neurol Disord Volume 10:5, May 2022
6 2022 CD Steffy, Selot BA, Joshi VS. Impact of screen time exposure on sleeping habits amongst young adults. National Journal of integrated research in medicine. NJIRMVol13(2);March-April 2022
7 2021 Desai CB, Gokhale PA, Gandhi PH, Mehta HB, Shah CJ. Effect of sensory nerve conduction studies on median & ulnar nerve: Height and body mass index. National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. NJPPP Vol11(3); 2021
8 2020 Selot BA, Shah BM, Taviad PP. A comparative study of cardiovascular autonomic function test in diabetes mellitus subjects and controls. National Journal of integrated research in medicine. NJIRMVol11(3);May-June 2020
9 2020 Selot BA, Shah BM, Taviad PP. Role of heart rate response to standing and valsalva manoeuvre measurement in diadnosing cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus. Indian journal of applied-basic medical science. IJABMS Vol22B(35);July 2020  
10 2020 Patel V, Vagadiya A. Study of autonomic functions in male current tobacco smokers and non smokers. National Journal of integrated research in medicine. NJIRMVol11(2);March-April 2020


Research Publication

S.No Authers Article Name of journal, Vol no, Page no, ISSN/ISBN No (if applicable)
1 Chavda S.A
 Parmar S
 Trivedi R.S.
Pathophysiological basis of Hematological profile of Dengue Fever.  International Journal of Basic and applied Physiology. IJBAP Vol5(1);2016
2 Patel L.C
Patel R.K.
HBA1C-Predictor of early peripheral neuropathy in asymptomatic cases of Diabetes Mellitus.  International Journal of Basic and applied Physiology. IJBAP Vol5(1);2016
3 Thakur D Oommen.E.R. Air conditioner users are more prone to respiratory problems.  International Journal of Basic and applied Physiology. IJBAP Vol5(1);2016
4 BhaktiP. Gadhavi, Jayesh D. Solanki, Hemant Mehta, Chinmay Shah, Pradnya  Gokhale , Amit Makwana   Lung transfer factor in middle aged asymptomatic Male Smokers of a city from West India: A cross-sectional study .  Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2016 Mar, Vol-10(3).
5 Patel V
Patel J
Vagadiya A
 Solanki A.
Role of 2D echo cardiography as predictor of pulmonary hypertension.  International journal of research in Medicine. IJRM Vol5(1); 2016
6 Patel J
Patel V
 Vagadiya A.
Comparative study of serum uric acid during normal pregnancy and pregnancy induced hypertensive women.  IJRM Vol4(4); 2016
7 Thakur.D.A, Oommen.E.R, Pathak.A. Effect of examination stress on physiological and psychological parameters.  Journal of international research and publications in medical sciences,IRPMS,;1(3)64-68.oct.2015.
8 Patel L.C.
Patel R.K.
A study of effect of moderate anemia on WBC count in adolescent females.  IJRRMS (Indian Journal of Research and Reports in Medical Sciences) ISSN-2348-2303 Jan-Mar 2015
9 Amit H Makwana, Jayesh D Solanki, Pradnya A Gokhale, Hemant B Mehta, Chinmay J Shah Study of computerized spirometric parameters of traffic police personnel of Saurashtra region, Gujarat, India .  Lung India Vol 32 Issue 5 Sep=Oct 2015
10 Jayesh .D.Solanki, Amit H.Makwana, Hemant B.Mehta , Pradnya A.Gokhale & Chinmay J.Shah Hypertension in type 2 Diabetes mellitus: effect of disease and treatment on development of peripheral artery disease  Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries March 2015
11 Christian S.B, Parmar S, Trivedi R.S. Effect of hyperglycemia on renal function in type-2 diabetes mellitus patients.  5 International Journal of Basic and Applied Physiology IJBAP,Vol4(1) 201
12 Poorey k, Oommen ER, Goyal L. Effect of sub-maximal exercise on airway mechanics in young healthy volunteers contributors.  International journal of research in medicine (IJORIM)
13 Rajdeep PL, Patel RK. Simulated Diving-To elicits human diving response on healthy participants and to record cardio-respiratory changes on laboratory basis.  LAP LAMBERT 2015Academic Publishing
14 by Dr. Unmesh S Dave, Dr. Pradnya A Gokhale, Dr. Chinmay J Shah, Dr H.B.Mehta Early diagnosis of asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease by ankle brachial pressure index method in smokers  IJBAP, Vol3(1) 2014
15 Jayesh D Solanki, Amit H Makwana, Hemant B Mehta, Pradnya A Gokhale Evaluating glycemic control and its correlation with peripheral artery disease in ambulatory type 2 diabetic patients of an urban area of Gujarat, India  International journal of Clinical and experimental Physiology/ Jul-Sep 2014/Vol1/Issue 3
16 by Pritesh Hariprasad Gandhi, Hemant B Mehta, Ashish V Gokhale, Chetab B Deasi, Pradnya A Gokhale A study of cardiac autonomic modulation during pregnancy by non-invasive heart rate variability  measurement International journal of medicine and public health/OCT-De 2014/Vol 4/Issue 4
17 Christian S.B, sChavda B, Trivedi R.S, Parmar S, Sonara.A, Panchal B. Effect of BMI on pulmonary function tests in young adult.   International Journal of Basic and Applied Physiology IJBAP,Vol3(1) 2014
18 Jivani P, Panchal B, Parmar S, Mehta N, Savaliya C, Sonara.A. A comparative study of effect of P. Falciparum and P. Vivax malaria on platelet count.  International Journal of Basic and Applied Physiology IJBAP,Vol3(1) 2014
19 Parikh.H.N, Patel.H.M, Pathak.N.R, Chandwani.S. Effect of yoga practices on respiratory parameters in healthy young adults  NJIRM 2014; vol.5(3) may june
20 Rajdeep.P.L, Patel.R.K. Patel.D.K. Heart rate change of healthy volunteers in a simulated dive experiment.  IJMSPH 2014; vol3 (8)
21 Shah SJ, Patel HM. Effect of examination stress on parameters of autonomic functions in medical students.  International journal of science and research. IJSR vol3(7).2014
22 Morker B, Patel R, Rajdeep P. A comparative study of Autonomic functions between the patients of Diabetes Mellitus and controls.  IJBAP vol.2(1). 2014




11 Advocating quantified post lockdown vehicular speed for public awareness and paving a way to curb the road traffic collisions.-Dr. Prashant Rajdeep, Dr. Lajja Patel, Dr. Steffy CD, Dr. Preeti Panchal
12 To compare the resolution between, the different colors (imparted after using gelatin paper in front of source) of light and traditional methods (focusing using tube light as source) of focusing simple compound microscope. Principle investigator- Dr. Prashant Rajdeep; Co-investigator- Dr. Rinkesh Chaudhari (MBBS) & Miss. Kinjal Parmar (3rd year student).
13 To design an air flow control system for the student’s spirometer to overcome its   drawback and to make it more easy and accurate to operate. (Principle investigator; Dr. RK Patel, Co-investigator; Dr. Prashant Rajdeep & Dr. Ketaki Poorey)
14 Use of Physiological gasp response to design a system which overcomes the efforts in performing pulmonary function test. (Principle investigator; Dr. Prashant Rajdeep, Co-investigator; Dr. RK Patel & Dr. Elvy Oommen)


Ongoing / Completed Research as part of Dissertation

1 Learning styles preferred by medical students. Dr. Siddhi, Dr.P.A.Gokhale
2 Grip it & breathe: Investigating hand grip strength as a predictior of lung functions. Dr. susan, Dr. Vijay Sooraj A, Dr. H.N.Parikh
3 Exploring the relationship between pulse pressure & BMI: A cross sectional study at a non-communicable diseases clinic in Vadodara district of Gujarat. Dr. susan, Dr. H.N.Parikh
4 Waist circumference relates to blood pressure among adults. Dr. Hiral, Dr. Bijal Shah.
5 A comparative study of echocardiography in obese & non obese Individuals. Dr. Anjali, Dr. H.M.Patel
6 Physiological parameters in essential hypertension and effect of relaxation techniques. Dr. Anjali, Dr. H.M.Patel.
7 Assessment of implementation & impact of early cinical exposure (ECE) in medical undergraduate students. A cross sectional study. Dr. susan, Dr. H.N.Parikh
8 Association of random blood sugar with BMI in patients from a non-communicable diseases clinic in Vadodara. A cross-sectional analysis. Dr. susan, Dr. H.N.Parikh
9 The effects of increased body mass index as a risk factor for cardiovascular heart disease. Dr. Steffy CD, Dr. Bhavna Selot
10 The impact of screen time exposure on sleeping habits amongst young adults. Dr. Steffy CD, Dr. Bhavna Selot

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