About Department

In 1966, Department of T.B and Chest disease was started at S.S.G. Hospital, Baroda. The Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Medical College Baroda provides tertiary level care to patients related to Chest diseases & TB (Drug sensitive and Drug resistant Tuberculosis). The department is recognized by the Medical Council of India for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The outpatient department is at OPD-17 which is located in the common OPD building. The indoor admissions are made to Ward No. 21(DOTS Plus Ward – Drug Resistant Tuberculosis patients), Ward No. 23 (TB patients) located on 2nd floor of Makarand Desai Orthopedic Sankul; Ward No. 22 (patient related to Chest diseases) and Ward No.-12 RICU and Recovery Room.

General Information

• Department of Pulmonary Medicine has Two Unit.
• There are 5 PG seats in Department (M.D - 5 )
• Department has daily OPD and daily INDOOR facility.
• Teaching faculty: 2 Associate Professor and 3 Assistant Professor.
• Resident Doctors: 17 (14 JR + 3 SR)
• Total Teaching Beds available: 80 (Unit 1- 40 & Unit 2 - 40)
• In each ward, there is division for male and female patients.
• 6 Bedded RICU is in Ward No. 12 RICU with 12 bedded Recovery ward beside RICU. Bronchoscopy &Thoracoscopy suit situated in ward No. 12 with separate procedure room.
• Patients related to Tuberculosis diseases admitted in Ward No. 23. Patients of Drug-Resistant TB admitted in DOTS PLUS ward. 5 bedded TB ICU is situated in ward No. 23.
• Patients related to chest diseases other than tuberculosis admitted in Ward No. 22. Facility of Sleep Lab available there.






Sr. No. Name Designation Email Address
1.         Dr. Sumanth G. Senior Resident sumanth.sta@gmail.com
2.         Dr. Jaysinh Rathva Senior Resident dr.jaysinhrathva@gmail.com
3.         Dr. Hardik Pandya Senior Resident hardikp614@gmail.com
4.         Dr. Bakul Kalsariya Senior Resident dr.bk2692@gmail.com
5.         Dr. Mehul Solanki Senior Resident smehulkumar@gmail.com
6.         Dr. Harini Chari 3rd Year Resident harini94chari@gmail.com
7.         Dr. Dennis Simon 3rd Year Resident dennis.k.simon@gmail.com
8.         Dr. Aslam Chauhan 3rd Year Resident achauhan666@gmail.com
9.         Dr. Varsha Prabhakar 3rd Year Resident varsha373@gmail.com
10.     Dr. Yusuf Mohammad 3rd Year Resident yoosuftss@gmail.com
11.     Dr. Megha Pathak 3rd Year Resident pathakmegha924@gmail.com
12.     Dr. Onal Bhatt 3rd Year Resident bhattonal@gmail.com
13.     Dr. Jay Vadgama 3rd Year Resident jaydvadgama@gmail.com
14.     Dr. Swati Gohil 1st Year Resident Swatigohil97@gmail.com
15.     Dr. Swati Brahmbhatt 1st Year Resident Sbrahmbhatt49@gmail.com



Unit Composition

Dr. J. B. Chauhan (Professor & HOD) Dr. Jitendrakumar A. Sisodia (Associate Professor & HOU)
Dr. Amit R Dedun (Associate Professor) Dr. Pyarpinkesh N Rathva (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Priyanka Patel (Assistant Professor)  
Senior Resident:
Dr. Jaysinh Rathva Dr. Hardik Pandya
Dr. Sumanth G. Dr. Bakul Kalsariya
  Dr. Mehul Solanki
Junior Residents:
Dr. Harini Chari R3 Dr. Onal Bhatt R3
Dr. Dennis Simon R3 Dr. Jay Vadgama R3
Dr. Aslam Chauhan R3 Dr. Swati Brahmbhatt R1
Dr. Varsha Prabhakar R3  
Dr. Yusuf Mohammad R3  
Dr. Megha Pathak R3  
Dr. Swati Gohil R1  





Lung diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world. Tuberculosis, which primarily involves the lungs, is reported in 2-3% of general population. The recent threat of AIDS has further aggravated the T.B. is also responsible for considerable morbidity & mortality.

Besides T.B. there is heavy burden of non-T.B. lung diseases & respiratory emergencies. Diseases such as Br. Asthma, COPD, Respi. Infections, Lung Cancer and others account for about 70% of the Lung diseases seen in any large hospital in INDIA. Asthma alone may affect 5-7% of adults and about 10% of children. Prevalence of occupational and environment hazards has also increases. Respiratory failure secondary to infections, road accidents and other trauma, poisoning and intoxication, asthma and several other conditions may account for a heavy mortality. Tobboco smoking, a widely prevalent habit is the major cause of many lung diseases in INDIA, and may be responsible for 7-13 million patients of COPD and 0.11-0.21 million of COPD deaths.

Moreover Post-graduate degree in M.D. (T.B. & Chest dz. ) is not available at Medical College and S.S.G. Hospital, Baroda. Diploma course (T.D.D.\ D.T.C.D. ) is running since 1966, so most of the facilities are available at our department.

The course is to be completed by residency or P.G. student ship of three years under Recognized P.G. teacher in the subject concerned. Out of these years maximum of one year (Two terms) may be by rotation under recognized P.G. teacher of teachers of allied branches viz. general medicine, cardiology if available.

Every candidate presenting himself for the the examination for the first time shall submit with his application for admission to the exam, six types written copies of a dessertation prepared under the direction and guidance and to the satisfaction of his P.G. teacher. The dessertation and application for admission to the exam must be submitted six month before the exam. Institutional Ethical committee should have passed the dissertation topic.

The dissertation will be an original expatiation on a subject, which is original in it self its interpretation based on the work of the candidate.

Minimum 4 and maximum 6 examiners will assess the dissertation of each fresh candidate. They may or may not be examiners for clinical and theory exams.

If majority of examiners have accepted a dissertation, it will be considered “accepted” & if majority rejects the dissertation it will be considered “ non-accepted”

In case rejection by an examiner, he shall give reason for rejection in writing for the guidance of the candidate.

The length of dissertation should be five to seven thousand words.

The postgraduate training course would train a MBBS doctor who will practice efficiently and effectively, backed by scientific knowledge and skill base Exercise empathy and a caring attitude and maintain high ethical standards. Continue to evince keen interest in continuing education in the speciality irrespective of whether he is in a teaching institution or in the specialty Be a motivated ‘teacher’ – defined as specialist keen to share his knowledge and skill with a colleague or a junior or any learner.

The following objectives are laid out to achieve the goals of the course. These objectives are to be achieved by the time the candidate completes the course. The objectives may be considered under the subheadings.

1. Knowledge ( Cognitive domain )

 2. Skills ( Psycho motor domain )

3. Human Values, Ethical practice and Communication abilities)

Describe etiology , pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and management of common problems including emergencies , in adults and children.
Describe indications and methods for fluid and electrolyte replacement therapy including blood transfusion.
Describe common malignancies in the country and their management including prevention.
Demonstrate understanding of basic science relevant to this specialty
Identify social, economic, environmental and emotional determinant in a given case, and take them into account for planning therapeutic measures.
Recognize conditions that may be outside the area of his specialty/competence and to refer them to the proper specialist.
Advise regarding the operative or non-operative management of the case and to carry out this management effectively.
Update oneself by self study and by attending courses, conferences and seminars relevant to the specialty.
Teach and guide his team, colleagues and other students.
Undertake audit, use information technology tools and carry out research. both basic and clinical, with the aim of publishing his work and presenting his work at various scientific for academic purpose.


• Take a proper clinical history, examine the patient, perform essential diagnosis procedures and order relevant tests and interpret them to come to a reasonable diagnosis about the condition.
• Provide basic and advanced life saving support services ( BLS & ALSI ) emergency situations

• Undertake complete patient monitoring including the care of the patient
• To perform pulmonary function tests including spirometry
• Human values, Ethical practice and communication abilities
• Adopt ethical principles in all aspects of his/her practice. Professional honesty and integrity are to be fostered. Care is to be delivered irrespective of the social status, Caste, creed or religion of the patient.
• Develop communication skills, in particular the skill to explain various option available in management and to obtain a true informed consent from the patient.
• Provide leadership and get the best out of his team in a congenial working atmosphere.
• Apply high moral and ethical standards while carrying out human or animal research.
• Be humble and accept the limitations in his knowledge and skill and to ask to help from colleagues when needed.
• Respect patient’s rights and privileges including patient’s right to information and right to seek a second opinion.

4)Suggested Reading Material
A.Text books
- Tuberculosis by Sharma Mohan
-Tuberculosis by K.N.Rao
-Tuberculosis by Satya shri
- Tuberculosis -Menon,
- Case finding & Chemotherapy in Tuberculosis by K.Toman

-Textbook of Pulmonary Medicine by Crofton & Douglas
-Textbook of Respi. Medicine by Fishman
- Textbook of Respiratory Medicine by Murray & Nadel
- Textbook of Respiratory Diseases by D.Behra
- Textbook of Critical Care Medicine by F.Udwadia

- Principles of Internal medicine by Harrison’s
- Textbook of Medicine by Cecil
- Textbook of General Medicine by Golwala

- Indian Journal of Tuberculosis
- Lung India
- Indian journal of chest diseases and allied sciences
- Tuberculosis and lung disease
- American review of respiratory diseases
- Thorax
- Chest
- North American clinics
- Lancet

Course Contents

• Theory:
1) Basic sciences including Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Microbiology and Pharmacology.

2) Arterial blood gases and acid base disturbance.

3) Tuberculosis – Pulmonary & Extra- Pulmonary and allied topics in Tuberculosis

4) Non-Tubercular Respiratory Diseases.

a) Immunology of respiratory diseases.
b) Upper respiratory tract infection
c) Pneumonia
d) Emphysema
e) Lung abscess
f) Disease of Pleura
g) Fungal infection of the lung
h) Chronic bronchitis and emphysema
i) Pulmonary hypertension
j) Respiratory failure
k) Bronchiectasis
l) Parasitic diseases of the lung
m) Sarcoidosis
n) Bronchial asthma
o) Pulmonary eosinophilia, PAN, Wegener’s granulomatosis
p) Pneumothrax and Mediastinal emphysema
q) Pulmonary thrombo embolism
r) Occupational lung diseases
s) Tumors of the lung
t) Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis
u) Respiratory manifestations of systemic diseases
v) Hyaline Membrane Diseases, Cystic Fibrosis Goodpasture’s syndrome
w) Diseases of Mediastinum
x) Diseases of chest wall
y) Diseases of diaphragm
z) Lung transplantation

Internal Medicine – basic level

• Practical
Pulmonary function test
Pleural biopsy
Arterial puncture
True-cut lung biopsy

Teaching/ Learning Activities

1. Clinical Case discussion twice a week
2. Journal Club Once a week
3. Subject Seminar once in 15 days
4. Mortality Meeting Once a month

A candidate pursuing the course should work in the institution as a full time student. No candidate should be permitted to run a clinic/ laboratory/ nursing home while studying postgraduate course. Each year should be taken as a unit for the purpose of calculating attendance. Every student shall attend teaching and learning activities during each year as prescribed by the department and not absent himself/herself from work without valid reasons.

A list of teaching and learning activities designed to facilitate students acquire essential knowledge and skills outlined is given below. Depending on the facilities available, any or all of these methods may be employed. However, the activities for which details are given mandatory.

1. Lecture: Lecture are to be kept to a minimum. They may, however, be employed for teaching certain topics. Lectures may be didactic or integrated.
a) Didactic Lectures: Recommended for selected common topics for post graduate students of all specialties. Few topics are suggested as examples:

1) Bio-statistics
2) Use of library,
3) Research Methods
4) Medical code of conduct and Medical Ethics
5) National Health and Diseases Control Programmes
6) Communication skill etc.

These topics may preferable taken up in the first few weeks of the 1st year
b) Integrated Lectures: These are recommended to be taken by multidisciplinary teams for selected topics, eg, Jaundice. Diabetes mellitus, Thyroid etc.

2. Journal Club: Recommended to be held once a week. All the PG students are expected to attend and actively participate in discussion and enter in the log book relevant details. Further, every candidate must make a presentation from the allotted journal(s), selected articles at least four times a year and a total of 12 seminar presentation in three years. The presentation would be evaluated using checklist and would carry weightage for internal assessment (see checklist in chapter IV) time table with names o the students and the moderator should be announced at the beginning of the every year.

3. Subject Seminar: Recommended to be held once a week. All the PG students are expected to attend actively participate in discussion and enter in the log book relevant details. Further, every candidate must present on selected topics at least four times a year and total of 12 seminar presentations in three years. The presentation would be evaluated using check lists and would carry weightage for internal assessment (See checklist in chapter IV) A timetable for the subject with names off the student and the moderator should be scheduled at the beginning of every year.

4.Student Symposium: Recommended as an optional multi disciplinary programmed the evaluation may be similar to that described for subject seminar.

5. Ward Rounds: Ward rounds may be service or teaching rounds.
a) Service Rounds: Postgraduate students and Interns should do every day for the care of the patients. Newly admitted patients should be worked up by the PGs and presented to the seniors the following day.
b) Teaching Rounds: Every unit should have ‘grand rounds’ for teaching purpose. A diary should be maintained for day to day activities by the students.
Entries of (a) and (b) should be made in the Log Book.

6. Clinico-Pathological Conference: Recommended once a month for all post graduate students. Presentation is done by rotation. If cases are not available due to lack of clinical postmortems, it could be supplemented by published CPCs.

7. Inter Departmental Meetings: Strongly recommended particularly with department of pathology and Radio-Diagnosis at least once a week. These meeting should be attended by post graduate students and relevant entries must be made in the Log book.

Pathology: A dozen interesting cases may be chosen and presented by the post graduate students and discussed by them as well as the senior staff of surgery department. The staff of Pathology department would then show the slides and present final diagnosis. In the sessions the advance immunohistochemical techniques, the burgeoning markers other recent developments can be discussed.
Radio-diagnosis: Interesting cases and the imaging modalities should be discussed.

8. Microbiology: Collection of specimen, AFB staining, Culture techniques and interpretation

9. Work in PFT laboratory

10. Teaching Skills: Post graduate students must teach under graduate students ( Eg. Medical, Nursing) by taking demonstrations, bedsides clinics, tutorials, lectures etc. Assessment is made using a checklist by surgery faculty as well students. ( See model checklist in chapter IV) . Record of their participation be kept in Log book. Training of post graduate students in educational science and technology is recommended.

11.Continuing Medical Education Programmes (CME) : Recommended that at least 2 state level CME Programmes should be attended by each students in 3 years.

12.Conferences: Attending conference is optional. However it is encouraged.

Rotation Postings:
In the parents department of TB and Respiratory Medicine - 26 months
Department of Medicine 6 months
ICCU 2 months
Department of Radio-diagnosis 1 month
Casualty 1 month
Total: 36 months

Monitoring Learning Progress

It is essential to monitor the learning progress of each candidate through continuous appraisal and regular assessment. It not only also helps teachers to evaluate students, but also students to evaluate themselves. The monitoring be done by the staff of the department based on participation of students in various teaching/learning activities. It may be structured and assessment be done using checklists that assess various aspects. Checklist is given in chapter IV.

The learning out comes; to be assessed should included (i) Personal attitude (ii) Acquisition of knowledge (iii) Clinical and operative skills (iv) Teaching skills and (v) Dissertations
I ) Personal Attitude : The essential items are:
Caring attitude
Organizational ability
Potential to cope with stressful situation and undertake responsibility
Trust worthiness and reliability
To understand and communicate intelligible with patients and others
To behave in a manner which establishes professional relationship with patients and colleagues
Ability to work it team
A critical enquiring approach to the acquisition of knowledge
The methods used mainly consisted of observation. It is appreciated that these terms requires a degree of subjective assessment by the guide, supervisors and peers.

II ) Acquisition of knowledge : The methods used comprise of ‘Log book’ which records participation in various teaching / learning activities by the students. The number of activities attended and the number in which presentation are made to be recorded. The log book should periodically be validated by supervisors. Some of the activities are listed. The list is not complete Institution may include additional activities , if so, desired.
Journal Review Meeting ( Journal Club) : The ability to do literature search, in depth study, presentation skills, and use audio-visual aids are to be assessed. The assessed is made by faculty members and peers attending the meeting using a checklist ( see Model Checklist-I Chapter-IV)
Seminars / Symposia: The topics should be assigned to the students well in advance to facilitate in depth study. The ability to do literature search, in depth study, presentation skills and use of audio-visual aids are to be assessed using a checklist ( see Model Checklist-II, Chapter IV)
Clinico-Pathological Conferences: This should be a multidisciplinary case study of an interesting case to train the candidate to solve diagnostic and therapeutic problems by using an analytical approach. The presenter(s) are to be assessed using a check list similar to that used for seminar.
Medical Audit: Periodic morbidity and mortality meeting be held. Attendance and participation in these must be insisted upon. This may not be included in assessment.

III ) Clinical Skills :
Day to day work: Skills in outpatient and ward work should be assessed periodically. The assessment should include the candidates sincerity and punctuality, analytical ability and communication skills ( see Model Checklist III, Chapter IV)
Clinical Meetings: Candidate should periodically presents cases to his peers and faculty members. This should be assessed using a checklist ( See Model checklist IV Chapter IV)
Clinical and Procedural skills : The candidate should be given graded responsibility to enable learning by apprenticeship. The performance is assessed by the guide by direct observation particulars are recorded by the students in the log book ( Table No 3, Chapter IV)

IV) Teaching skills : Candidate should be encouraged to teach undergraduate medical students and paramedical students, if any. This performance should be based on assessment by the faculty members of the department and from feedback from the undergraduate students ( See Model Checklist V, Chapter IV)

V) Dissertation in the Department: Periodic presentation are to be made in the department. Initially the topic selected is to be presented before submission to the University for registration, again before finalization for critical evaluation and another before final submission of the complete works ( see Model Checklist VI & VII Chapter IV)

VI) Periodic tests: The departments may conduct three tests, two of them be annual tests, one at the end of first year and other in the second year. The third test may be held three months before the final examination. The tests may include written papers Practical / clinical and Viva voce.

VII) Work diary / Log book – every candidate shall maintain a work diary and record his/her participation in the training Programmes conducted by the department such as journals reviews, seminars etc special mention may be made of the presentation by the candidate as well as details of clinical or laboratory procedures, if any conducted by the candidate.

VIII) Records: Records logbooks and marks obtained in tests will be maintained by the head of the departments and will be made available to the University or MCI

Log book:

The logbook is a record of the important activities of the candidates during his training, Internal assessment should be based on the evaluation of the log book. Collectively, log books are a tool for the evaluation off the training Programmes of the institute by external agencies. The record includes academic activities as well as the presentation and procedures carried out by the candidate.
Format for the Log book for the different activities is given in table 1,2 and 3 of chapter IV. Copies may be made and used by the institutions.
Postgraduate student’s diary should include following activities:
Format for PG Diary ( Log book )
1. Cases seen on rounds – description of interesting cases and other miscellaneous topics discussed.
2. Outpatient cases seen and details of interesting cases will follow up.

3. Procedures done on inpatients and outpatients and consultation done.
4. Undergraduate teaching done during the day details.
5. PG training programmes attended – details of bedside clinic, basic sciences, subject and clinical seminars , journal clubs, mortality meet and hospital conference.
6. Night duties – details of patients managed and emergencies , consultation. Ward calls attended.
7. Details of study with topics covered during off hours in library / home. Periodicals and Journals reviewed with notes on interesting articles.
8. Medical meeting Seminars . Local API / CSI meeting or other interesting CME seminars attended.
9. Diary should be reviewed on weekly basis by unit faculty and certified on monthly basis for PG ‘s benefit at the end of each medical/speciallity rotation. Faculty should comment regarding absences and irregularities (Late arrivals and early departure ) and make appropriate comment and suggest remedial measure for problematic prodigies.
10. Size of note books: 15 cm with 200 pages. All note books should have seal of college and H.O.D’s approval: Extra note books may be utilized as and when necessary. Dairy should be presented at the time of University clinical exam for review by examiners as per University regulation.
Procedure for defaulters: Every department should have a committee to review such situations. The defaulting candidate is counseled by the guide and head of the department. In extreme cases of default the department committee may recommend that defaulting candidate be withheld from appearing examination. If she/he fails to fulfill the requirements in spite of being adequate chances to set himself or herself right.


Internal evaluation of P.G. students performance during three years.

 Ist year of M.D. Students:
Assessment of student with multiple choice questions multiple short notes covering wide range of topics and practical examination with attention to history taking. Clinical skills, relevant diagnostics and therapeutic plan ascertained. Suggested time of evaluation after first six months and at the end of the first year rotation.

 IInd year of M.D. Students;
Students should be evaluated at the end of the II year on the theory and practical examination along with one faculty from General Medicine. For other specialties with short rotation of one month may evaluate the candidate for comprehension of the subject and clinical skills.

 IIIrd year of M.D. Students:
P.G.’s should be evaluated at the beginning of his 3rd year training by panel of senior postgraduate teachers. Suggested pattern of assessment with two type theory papers and multiple choice questions (200)- clinical skills, diagnostic and therapeutics skills evaluated intermittently by unit faculties.
Mock examination suggested – 3 to 4 months prior to final University exam should consist of two question papers each 3 hours duration, and clinical and viva voce similar to university examination under the supervision of seminar faculty.
Results of evaluation should be entered into P.G.’s diary and department file documentation purposes. Main Purpose of periodic examination and accountability is to ensure clinical expertise of students with practical and communication skills and balance broader concept of diagnostic and therapeutic challenges.


1. Clinical Aspects of Respiratory Diseases
2. Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology
3. Hazards of Smoking and Air Pollution
4. Tuberculosis: Pathology
5. Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Clinical Features
6. Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Diagnosis
7. Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Investigations
8. Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Treatment
9. Newer Diagnostic Modalities for Tuberculosis
10. Radiological Features of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
11. Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis
12. MDR-Tuberculosis
13. XDR-Tuberculosis
16. HIV-TB
17. Acute Upper Respiratory Infections
18. Pneumonias
19. Empyema
20. Lung Abscess
21. CNS Tuberculosis

22. Abdominal Tuberculosis
23. Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema
24. Respiratory Failure
25. Pulmonary Thromboembolism
26. Pulmonary Hypertension and Core Pulmonale
27. Bronchiectesis
28. Diseases of Pleura
29. Pneumothorax
30. Malignancies of the Lung
31. Asthma:Epidemilogy,Pathogenesis and Management
32. Occupational Lung Diseases



Sr. Title Author
1 Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders (4th edition) Vol 1 Alfed P. Fishmen & Others
2 Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders (4th edition) Vol 2 Alfed P. Fishmen & Others
3 Crofton & Douglas Respiratory Diseases – Vol  I & II Crofton & Douglas
4 Murray  and Nodal textbook of Respiratory Medicine Vol 1 Murray  and Nodal
5 Murray  and Nodal textbook of Respiratory Medicine Vol 2 Murray  and Nodal
6 Respiratory System At A Glance 4ed 2015  Jeremy & R.T.Ward
7 Pleural disease 5th edition Richard w. Light
8 Pleural disease 6th edition 2013  Richard w. Light
9 Clinical Focus Series. Difficult Asthma 1st Edi.2013  Heaney  Liam
10 Clinical Focus Series. Lesions Of Sarcoidosis. A Problem Solving Approach 1 St Edi.2014  Sharma  Late Omp
11 Manual Of Respiratory Medicine 1st Edi.2005  Harmanjit Singh Hira
12 Oxygen Therapy  2nd Edi.2008  S.K.Jindal
13 Pocket Tutor Understanding ABGs & Lung Function Test-2012 (2 Copies) Thillai Muhanthan
14 Pulmonary Function Tests. Made Easy 1st Edi.2009  Jayant R Shah
15 Clinical Focus Series. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis 1st  Edi.2013  Om P Sharma
16 Sleep Related Breathing Disorders 1st Edi.2015 Vivek Nangia
17 Asthma In Children 1st Edi. 2011 Meeny Singh
18 Cystic fibrosis (history Background)   Gartic Bohis
19 Cystic fibrosis (Etiology ) Gartic Bohis
20 Cystic fibrosis (Pathophysiology and Clinical features ) Gartic Bohis
21 Cystic fibrosis (Nutrition) Gartic Bohis
22 Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders (3rd  edition) Alfed P. Fishmen & Others
23 Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders (3rd  edition) Alfed P. Fishmen & Others
24 Diagnosis of diseases of chest vol.1 Fraser,Muller,Colman,Pare
25 Diagnosis of diseases of chest vol.2 Fraser,Muller,Colman,Pare
26 Diagnosis of diseases of chest vol.3 Fraser,Muller,Colman,Pare
27 Diagnosis of diseases of chest vol.4 Fraser,Muller,Colman,Pare
28 Text book of pulmonary medicine D.Behra
29 Principle of respiratory medicine Udawadiya
30 Chest Medicine : Essential of Pulmonary & critical Medicine Ronald b. Georg
31 Allergic  Asthma -  Tropical View  
32 Bronchial Asthma Behera
33 Allergy & Asthma : - Practical Diagnosis & Management Massoudimah Moudi
34 100 Questions & Answers about Asthma Claudia S. Plottel
35 Allergy Dr.R.K.Patel
36 COPD Charnack
37 Interstitial Lung Disease , 5th edition Marvin I. Schwartz
38 Environmental and Occupational Medicine William N Rom
39 Occupational & Environmental Medicine Review: pearls of wisdom  Michael Greenberg
40 Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine  
41 Pulmonary Diagnostic Techniques Om P Sharma
42 Washington Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine Bordow, Moser
43 Spirometry in Practice Jyotsna Joshi
44 Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Robert E. Hyatt & Others
45 Washington Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine Bordow, Morris,Rice
46 Practical Approach to Respiratory Diseases V.K.Arora
47 Clinical Focus Series Acute Exacerbation of Respiratory Diseases Steven A Sahn
48 Principle & Practice of sleep Medicine : Expert Consults Meirh. Kryger
49 Handbook of Sleep Medicine Alon Y Avidan
50 Training Module of MOS in HIV  Care.   
51 Current Pulmonology  Daniel H. Symonts
52 Clinics in Chest Medicine  
53 Guidelines for prevention and management of common opportunistic infections or malignancies among HIV infected adults and adolescents  
54 Anti Retroviral therapy, Guidelines for HIV Infected Adults and Adolescents including post-exposure prophylaxis (2 copies)  
55 Atlas of Chest  
56 Bates' Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking Lynn S Bickley
57 Pocket Manual on The Art of History Taking Shivananda Prabhu
58 Pocket Book of Infection Diseases Therapy John G. Bartlett
59 Lung Cancer (Emerging Cancer Therapeutics Vol 1) Athanassios Argiris
60 New Treatment Strategies in Metastatic Lung Cancer  
61 Principles & Practice Of lung Cancer Harvey l. pass
62 100 Questions & Answer’s About Lung Cancer Karen Parles
63 Principle & Practice Of Lung Cancer 4th Edi.2010 Harvey I. Pass
64 Transbronchial & Endobronchial biopsy Cagle, Allen
65 Atlas Of Flexible Bronchoscopy Pallav Shah
66 Introduction to Bronchoscopy Armin Ernst
67 Textbook of Bronchoscopy  Steven N Feinsilver and Alan M Fein
68 Endobronchial Ultrasound an Atlas and Practical Guide Armin Ernst & Felix herth
69 Medical Thoracoscopy / Pleuroscopy :Manual & Atlas Robber Loddenkemper, Prance nmathur
70 Thoracoscopy for physician : A Practical Guide Dr. Ed Neville
71 Flexible Broncoscopy Ko-pen Wang
72 Atlas Of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy 1ed 2014 (2 copies) Rajendra Prasad
73 Tuberculosis 1st Edition S.K.Sharma Mohan
74 Tuberculosis 2nd Edition S.K.Sharma Mohan
75 Tuberculosis William N. Rom`
76 Tomman’s Tuberculosis Tomman
77 Textbook of Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis Satyashree
78 A guide for the Tuberculosis Patient. O.S. Erwin Harry C. Sweary
79 The treatment of  Tuberculosis Affections UMC ak  loabs
80 Recent  Advance in Respiratory Tuberculosis Heat Fredrick &  woes Rusby
81 The fight against  Tuberculosis an autobiography Harry Schaman
82 Pulmonary tuberculosis Vol -1 Nauric  Fish berg
83 Tuberculosis of bones and Joints Gridlestone & Somerville
84 Tuberculosis of the skeletal system S.H. Tak 
85 Pulmonary Tuberculosis  Vol-ll fishb- Maurice erg
86 Treatment of Tuberculosis Guidelines for National Program.  
87 Principles and Management of Tuberculosis  
88 Time Bomb La  B Richman
89 Pulmonary Tuberculosis    MPS Menon’
90 Clinical Manual for South East Asia.  
91 Manual On TB, HIV & Lung Disease 1st Edi.2009 V.K.Arora
92 RNTCP module 1 to 4  
93 Clinical tuberculosis P.S.Shankar
94 Case Presentation in Clinical Tuberculosis P.D.O. Davies
95 Rapid Method for isolation & cultivation and testing drug susceptibility of M. Tuberculosis N. veeraghavan
96 A TB Guide for specialist physicians  
97 Experimental Tuberculosis Wolstenholmedv
98 Difficult Diagnosis and Management of Tuberculosis Tosaddak Ahmed
99 Tuberculosis Of Skeletal System  5th edi.2016 S M Tuli
100 Principle Of Internal Medicine Vol.1  19th Edi.2015 Dan Longo
101 Principle Of Internal Medicine Vol.2 19th Edi.2015 Dan Longo
102 Clinical Cases & Pearls In Medicine  1 st Edi.2015 G.S.Sainani
103 Insulin Therapy- Current Concept   1 st Edi.2014 Ambrish Mitthal
104 Fluid Electrolyte Metabolic & Respiratory Acid Base Management  1st Edi. 2014  (2 copies) A Vimla
105 Case Studies In Internal Medicine  1st Edi.2014 Atul Kakar
106 Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine: Volumes 1 and 2, 18th  Edition Dan Longo
107 Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine: Volumes 1 and 2, 17th  Edition Dan Longo
108 Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine: Volumes 1 and 2, 15th  Edition Dan Longo
109 API Text Book Of Medicine Siddharth Shah
110 A Handbook of Diabetes P.J.Geevarghese
111 Clinical Examination: A Practical Guide in Medicine Harmanjit Singh Hira
112 Medicine for Students Golwala
113 Macleod’s clinical examination Graham douglas
114 Pharmacology K.D.Tripathy
115 Noninvasive Ventilation Made Easy With DVD-Rom Agarwal
116 Mechanical Ventilation Made Easy with CD-ROM Pillai
117 Clinical application of mechanical ventilation David w. chang
118 Critical Care Secrets Polly E. Parsons
119 Textbook of pulmonary &critical care medicine Vol. 1 ,2 S.K.Jindal
120 Washington’s manual of critical care medicine Martin H Kollef&warren isakow
121 Handbook of pulmonary &critical care medicine Vol. 1 ,2 S.K.Jindal
122 Principle of critical care Farokh E Udawadiya
123 World Clinics Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Tuberculosis Vol.3 Jan-2014 No.1  S.K.Jindal
124 Respiratory & Critical Care Infection 1st Edi. 2015 Frenesco Blaso
125 World Clinics Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine -Pulmonary Manifestation Of Systemic Diseases VOL.2 July-2013 No.2  S.K.Jindal
126 World Clinics Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine –Pneumonia Vol.2 July-2013 No.2  S.K.Jindal
127 World Clinics Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine -Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases VOL.2 Jan-2013 No.1  S.K.Jindal
128 Practical Approch To Critical Respiratory Medicine With 2 CD ROMS 1 st Edi. 2006  V.K.Arora
129 Atlas of Chest and TB X ray O.A.Sharma
130 High Resolution Computal Tomography Of The Lungs 2ed 2013  D.Karthikeyan
131 High Resolution Computal Tomography Of The Lungs 5th 2014  W.Richard Webb
132 Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance of the Thorax David P Naidich
133 High Resolution CT of the Chest Comprehensive Atlas Eric j Stern
134 Imaging of Pulmonary infections Nestor L Muller
135 Thoracic Imaging : Pulmonary And Cardiovascular Radiology Richard Webb
136 Chest Radiology plain film pattern & differential diagnosis James . C. Reed




Sr. No.

Name of Journal


Type of journal


Website address


Lung India





The Indian Journal of Chest Disease and Allied Science






Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology





The Journal of Association of Chest Physicians






Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Disease






Thoracic Endoscopy





Indian journal of Tuberculosis

(Upto July 2012 - Vol.59, No.3)









Journal of Bronchology &Interventional Pulmonology

(Till 2015, Volume 22, October 2015, Issue 4, pp. 281-372,e14-e22)






Thorax – Journal of British Thoracic Society

(Upto Feb 2014, Vol 69, Issue 2)






The European Respiratory Journal

(Upto Aug 2015 Vol 46, Issue 2, Page range E56-578)





Respiratory Medicine

(Upto December 2014, Volume 108, Issue 12)






Annals of the American Thoracic Society

(Upto Feb. 2016 – Volume 13, Issue 2






American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (American review of Respiratory Diseases)(Upto December 2015 - Volume 192, Issue 12)







Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis





Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Research





Allergy, Asthma and Respiratory Disease





Journal of Asthma and Allergy





Journal of Allergy




World Allergy Organization Journal





European Clinical Respiratory Journal





Canadian Respiratory Journal





Tuberculosis Research and Treatment





The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung disease





BMC Critical Care





Sleep Disorders






Respiratory Research





BMJ Open Respiratory Research





Lung Cancer International





Case Reports in Pulmonology





Pulmonary Medicine





Respiratory Medicine Case Reports




Respiratory Medicine CME





International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease





Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine





NPJ primary care respiratory medicine





Pulmonary Medicine





BMC Pulmonary Medicine





Translational Lung Cancer Research





Oxford Medical Case Reports





Sr No.

Journal Name


Lung India Volume 21 no.3 july-sept-2004


Lung India Volume 22 no.2 apr-jun-2005


Lung India Volume 25 no.2 apr-jun-2008


Lung India Volume 25 no.3 july-sept-2008


Lung India Volume 26 no.1 jan-mar-2009


Lung India Volume 28 no.3 july-sept-2011


Lung India Volume 29 no.1 jan-mar-2012


Lung India Volume 29 no.2 apr-jun-2012 [2 copies]


Lung India Volume 29 no.3 july-sept-2012


Lung India Volume 29 no.4 octo-dec-2012


Lung India Volume 30 no.1 jan-mar-2013


Lung India Volume 31 no.4 octo-dec-2014


Lung India Volume 32 supplement 2 nov-2015


Lung India Volume 32 no.1 jan-feb-2015


Lung India Volume 32 no.2 mar-april -2015


Lung India Volume 32 no.3 may-june-2015


Lung India Volume 33 no.1 jan-feb-2016


Lung India Volume 33 no.2 mar-april -2016


Lung India Volume 33 no.4 july-aug-2016


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 48 No. 3 July – Sept 06


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 48 No. 4 Oct - Dec 06


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 50 No. 2 April - June 08


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 50 No. 3 July - Sept 08


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 50 No. 4 Oct – Dec 08


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 51 No. 1 Mar-09


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 51 No. 2 June-09


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 51 No. 3 Sept-09


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 52 No. 1 Mar-10


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 52 No. 2 June-10


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 52 No. 4 Dec-10


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 53 No. 1 Mar-11


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 53 No. 2 Jun-11


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 53 No. 3 Sept-11


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 54 No. 2  Jun-12


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 54 No. 3 Sept-12


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 54 No. 4 Dec-12


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 54 Supplement


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 55 No. 4 Dec -13


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 56 No. 2 June -14


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 56 No. 3 Sept -14


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 56 No. 4 Dec -14


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 57 No. 1 March -15


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 57 No. 2 June -15


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol 57 No. 4 Dec -15


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Vol. 57 Special Issue 2015


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.10 Issue 3 Sept 06


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.11 Issue 2 Jun 07


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.11 Issue 3  Sept 07


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.11 Issue 4 Dec 07


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.12 Issue 1 Mar 08


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.12 Issue 2 Jun 08


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.12 Issue 3 Sept. 08


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.12 Issue 4 Dec 08


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.13 Issue 1 Jan – Mar-09


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.13 Issue 2 Apr – Jun-09


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.13 Issue 3 July – Sept 09


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.14 Issue 1 Jan – Mar-10


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.14 Issue 2 Apr – Jun 10


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.14 Issue 3 July – Sept 10


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.14 Issue 4 Oct – Dec 10


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.15 Issue 2 Apr – Jun 11


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.15 Issue 3 July – Sept 11


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.15 Issue 4 Oct – Dec 11


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.16 Issue 1 Jan – Mar 12


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.16 Issue 2 Apr – Jun 12


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.16 Issue 3 July – Sept 12


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.16 Issue 4 Oct – Dec 12


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.17 Issue 2 Mar – Apr 13


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.17 Issue 4 July –Aug 13


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.17 Issue 5 Sept – Oct 13


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.18 Issue 1 Jan 14


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.18 Issue 3 March 14


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.18 Issue 9 September 14


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.18 Issue 10 October 14


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.18 Issue 11 November 14


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.18 Issue 12 December 14


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.19 Issue 1 January 15


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.19 Issue 2 February 15


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.19 Issue 3 March 15


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.19 Issue 4 April 15


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.19 Issue 5 May 15


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.19 Issue 6 June 15


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.19 Issue 7 July 15


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.19 Issue 11 November 15


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.20 Issue 2 February 16


Indian Journal Of Critical Care Medicine Vol.20 Issue 3 March 16


Breathe vol-4 no 4 june 2008


Breathe vol-6 no 3 march 2010


Breathe vol-7 no 1 sept 2011


Breathe vol-8 no 3 march 2012


Breathe vol-8 no 4 june 2012


Breathe vol-9 no 1 sept 2013


Breathe vol-9 no 2 dec 2013


Breathe vol-9 no 3 march 2013


Breathe vol-9 no 4 june 2013


Breathe vol-10 no 4 dec 2014


Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine Feb-2007


Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine nov-dec-2005


Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine Apr-2010


Thorax vol-1 no.1 apr-may-2001


Thorax vol-1 no.2 jun-july-2001


Thorax vol-1 no.4 octo-nov-2001


Thorax vol-1 no.5 dec-jan-2002


Thorax vol-4 no.2 mar-apr-2004


Thorax vol-5 no.6 nov-dec-2005


Thorax vol-6 no.4 july-aug-2006


Thorax vol-7 no.2 mar-apr -2007


Thorax vol-7 no.3 may-june-2007


Thorax vol-7 no.4 july-aug-2007


Thorax vol-7 no.5 sept-octo-2007


Thorax vol-7 no.6 nov-dec-2007


Thorax vol-8 no.1 jan-feb-2008


Thorax vol-9 no.5 sept-octo-2009


Thorax vol-10 no. 1 jan-feb-2010


Thorax Best Of 2005


Thorax Best Of 2006


Thorax Best Of 2007


Thorax Best Of 2009


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 60 no.2 Aug-03


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 61 no.3 Dec-04


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 2 Issue 7 July-07


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 3 Issue 7 July-08


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 4 Issue 2 Feb-09


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 5 Issue 2 Feb-10


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 5 Issue 7 July-10


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 8 Issue 10 octo-13


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 8 Issue 12 dec-13


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 9 Issue 1 jan-14


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 9 Issue 2 feb-14


Gujarat Medical Journal vol 9 Issue 3 mar-14


Journal of Indian Medical Association -Apr-05


Journal of Indian Medical Association –Mar 08


Journal of Indian Medical Association –Nov-08


Journal of Indian Medical Association  Jan-09


Journal of Indian Medical Association Mar-09


Journal of Indian Medical Association April-09


Journal of Indian Medical Association Oct-09


Journal of Indian Medical Association May-10


Journal of Indian Medical Association July-10


Journal of Indian Medical Association Sept-10


Journal of Indian Medical Association June-11


Journal of Indian Medical Association Aug-11


Journal of Indian Medical Association Sept-11


Journal of Indian Medical Association July-12


Journal of Indian Medical association Mar-13


Journal of Indian Medical association Jan-14


Chest volume 67 no.2 mar-1975


Chest volume 67 no.6 jun-1975


Chest volume 68 no.1 july -1975


Chest volume 68 no.5 nov-1975


Chest volume 68 no.3 sept-1975


Chest volume 69 no.1 jan-1976


Chest volume 69 no.2 feb-1976


Chest volume 69 no.3 mar-1976


Chest volume 69 no.4 apr-1976


Chest volume 69 no.5 may-1976


Chest volume 69 no.6 jun-1976


Chest volume 70 no.2 aug-1976


Chest volume 70 no.3 sept-1976


Chest volume 71 no.2 feb-1977


Chest volume 1 no.2 may-june-2000


Chest volume 2 no.1 jan-feb-2001


Chest volume 2 no.2 mar-apr-2001


Chest volume 2 no.4 july-aug-2001


Chest volume 2 no.5 sept-octo-2001


Chest volume 3 no.1 jan-feb-2002


Chest volume 3 no.2 2011


Chest volume 5 no.5 sept-octo-2004


Clinical Pulmonary Medicine Jan-2009


Stac july 2010


Indian Journal of Tuberculosis Vol-30 no.4 octo-1985


International journal of thoracic medicine respiration


Pulmoworld jan-2013 vol-1 no-1


BMJI case reports  issue 2 2012


American college of Chest Physician chest 2006


SAARC vol-2 no.2 2010


SAARC vol-7 no.1 2010


ATS summary reports -may 2006


Gold updated 2004


American Journal of Respiratory Care, Cell and Molecular Biology Vol-29 no.4 octo.2003


NNDU 2005


Indian Journal of Respiratory Diseases Vol-1 issue 2 2008


Indian Journal of Respiratory Diseases Vol-2 issue 1 2009


Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences vol-53


COPD vol-2 no.6 nov-dec-2011


COPD vol-4 no.1 2014


COPD vol-4 no.2 2014


Indian Edition COPD vol-1 no.1 sept-octo-2009


Treatment in  respiratory medicine vol-1 ,2


International journal of chest disease apr-june 1999


International journal of chest disease october-dec 1999


International journal of chest disease oct-dec 1998


International journal of chest disease july-sept 1998


American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Vol-1 no-4 sept-octo 2009


American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Vol-166 no-9 nov-2002


TB India 2006


TB India 2007


TB India 2009


TB India 2010


TB India 2011


TB India 2012


TB Gujarat 2010



Sr No. Name Of Equipments
1.        Video Fibreoptic Broncoscopy (flexible) (Olympus)
2.        Compatible Flexible Thoracoscope (Olympus)
3.        Polysomnography ( sleep Study )
 (Automatic -  Phillips)
4.        Rigid Bronchoscope (Olympus)
5.        Whole Body Plethysmograph with DLCO ( Med graphics)
6.        Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing ( Ultima PFX )
7.   Computerized Pulmonary Function Test
8.   Ventilator – Invasive & Non Invasive at Respiratory Intensive Care Unit (Neumovent Graphnet TS)
9.   Non Invasive ventilators in Wards
10.   Airway Inflammation – Breath NO analyzer
( Med graphics)
11.   Peak Flow Meter
12.   Laryngoscope
13.   Ambu Bag
14.   ECG machines ( VESTA ECG )
15.   Multipara Monitor (meditech)
16.   Pulse Oximeter
17.   Room Sterilizer
18.   Ultrasonic Nebulizer (Phillips)
19.   Intercostal Drainage facility
20.   Pleural Biopsy Needle
21.   Suction Machines
22.   Spirotiger (Indinag)
23.   Lung exerciser (Incentive Spirometer)
24.   Oxygen Concentrator 
25.   Percussanonator (Indinag)
26.   Breath CO Analyser
27.   X- Ray Machine ( at DTC )
28.   Binocular Microscope (at DTC)
29.   Glucometer (Abbote)
30.   LCD Multimedia Projector (Sharp)


TB Consolidation with Cavitation

TB Cavity

Milliary TB

Malignant Mesothelioma


Metastasis in the Lung

Lung Bronchiectasis

Lung Emphysema

Bronchogenic Carcinoma

Secondary Deposits in Lung


01. Symptoms of TB in Gujarati Language
02. Do’s & Don’ts about TB in Gujarati Language
03. Spread of TB in Gujarati Language.
04. Architectural damage in emphysema
05. Etiopathology of Asthma
06. Broncho-pulmonary segment & surface anatomy of lung
07. Physiology of ventilation
08. Method of Z-N staining
09. Early & Progressive Tuberculosis infection in RT Upper lobe
10. About natural H/O of tuberculosis
11. Grading of Z-N Staining for smear AFB
12. Patient education on Swine Flu
13. Multiple Charts showing different views of tracheobronchial tree in Bronchoscopy room
14. Categorization of TB patients for starting of AKT in RNTCP
15. Chest physiotherapy for management of Pul.TB
16. Symptoms of Pulmonary TB in Gujarati
17. Explanation about TB in Gujarati
18. Likely Causes of Pneumonia
19. Photos of Tobacco induced Cancer –Four Different Charts
20. Guideline for patients for TB Diagnosis
21. Importance of Treatment in Asthma in Gujarati-Four Different Charts
22. Differences of Blur Bloaters and Pink Puffers in COPD
23. Signs of Localized Lung Diseases
24. Clubbing and its Causes
25. Tuberculin Testing and its interpretation
26. Symptoms of Asthma in Gujarati Two different Charts
27. Importance of Inhaled Steroids in Asthma in Gujarati
28. Triggers of Asthmatic attack in Gujarati
29. Interpretation of ABG analysis
30. Diagnostic Approach in Pleural Effusion
31. Pleural fluid Dynamics and causes of Pleural Effusion
32. Pathogenesis and treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
33. Different Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis
34. GOLD Criteria for COPD
35. GINA Guidelines for Asthma
36. Spirometry/PFT interpretation


Sr. Title Journal
1 Pulmonary function tests and their reversibility in Smokers National Journal of Community Medicine: 2014; 5(1) : 122-125
2 A comparative study of symptoms and microbiological status of Tuberculosis in HIV Positive persons National Journal of Medical Research: 2014; 4(1):23-26
3 A Clinical study of 50 cases of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia South East Asian Journal of Case Reports and Reviews, 2014; 3(1): 562-573
4 Clinical and Bacteriological profile of Hospitalized Community Acquired Pneumonia South East Asian Journal of Case Reports and Reviews, 2014; 3(1): 619-627
5 Evaluation of Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of patients with hospitalized Community Acquired Pneumonia International Journal of Research in Medicine, 2015; 4(4); 43-48
6 Retrospective analysis of TB patients put on Category II under RNTCP at DOTS centre, BJMC, Ahmedabad. International Journal of Applied Research, 2016; 6(1) ; 101-103
7 A comparative study of spirometry in healthy smokers and healthy non smokers
Author : Meghna M. Patel, Jitendra A. Sisodia, Nalin T. Shah
International Journal of Research in Medicine, 2014;3(1):68-70
8 A Retrospective analysis of Prospectively collected data of patients of Histologically confirmed Lung cancer.
Author : Jitendrakumar A. Sisodia, Meghna M. Patel, Rajesh N. Solanki
International Journal of Research in Medicine - 
Int J Res Med.2014;3 (1);84-87
9 Spot and Early morning sputum report study for diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis  at DMC of Medical College Vadodara, Gujarat: A Retrospective Analysis.
Author :Meghna M Patel, Apurv N Patel, Jitendra A Sisodia, K.R.Patel, Kalpita Shringerpure
International Journal of Current Research and Review –
Int  J Cur Res  Rev,
May 2014/Vol 06
(10): 45-50
10 A comparative Study of Spirometry  in Healthy Smokers and Non Smokers 
Author :Meghna M. Patel, Jitendrakumar A. Sisodia , Nalin T. Shah
International Journal of Research in Medicine -
Int J Res Med.2014;3 (1);68-70
11 A Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data of patients of Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenopathy confirmed by FNAC carried out at Medical College, Baroda, Gujarat.
Author : K.R.Patel, Jitendrakumar A. Sisodia, Meghna M. Patel, Akhilesh Patel
International Journal of Research in Medicine
Int J Res Med.2015; 4 (1);13-16
12 Klipple feil syndrome: A case report
Author : Pratik Patel, Akhilesh Patel, Yasin Polra, Jitendra Sisodia, K. R. Patel, A. T. Leuva
International Journal of  Research in Medicine, 2014;3(1):100-101
13 Mycobacterial  Abscessus infection at hernioplasty site: A rare case report
Author : Meghna M Patel , Shrikant  Hiremath, K.R.Patel,  J.A.Sisodia
Research and Review: Journal of Medical and Health Science –2014; 3(2): 53-56
14 Post Tb Pulmonary Disability: An Ongoing Challenge For India
Auther: Nimit V Khara, Bhavesh M Patel, Ravish M Kshatriya, Satish N Patel, Rajiv P Paliwal
National Journal Of Medical Research, july-sept-2016; vol: 6, issue: 3
15 Study of clinical, radiological, and pulmonary function characteristics of
patients having asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap
Author : Jayant Chauhan, Bhavesh Patel, Chirag Parekh
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health
2020; Vol 9; Issue 6
16 Role of Flexible Fiber-Optic Bronchoscopy in the Diagnosis of Lung
Author: Chauhan JB1, Patel BM2*, Patel P3
International Journal of Research In Medicine
Chauhan JB et al. Int J Res Med. 2020; 9(2);18-20
17 Study on Pleural Effusion for Diagnostic Approach
Author : Bhavesh Patel, Jayant Chauhan
National Journal of Community Medicine,  NJMR│Volume 10│Issue 2│Apr –Jun 2020 ; 116-118
18 Role of Bronchoalveolar lavage in diagnosis of Bacterial Pneumonia
Author : Dr. Bhavesh Patel, Dr. Jaysinh Rathva, Dr. Jayant Chauhan
International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.10, Issue2, Feb 2021, 1-2
19 “Can Pulmonary Rehabilitation Improve the well being of COPD patients : Experience at tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabd, Gujarat, India”
Author: Savita Jindal, Amit Dedun, Kumar Utsav, Rajesh N. Solanki
Indian Journal of Chest Disease and Allied Science
Savita Jindal, et al,  2017; Vol. 57
20 “Impact of adverse drug reaction of First line Anti-tuberculous drugs on treatment outcome of Tuberculosis under Revised National  tuberculosis control programme”
Author : Amit R. Dedun, Ghanshyam B. Borisagar, Rajesh N. Solanki
International Journal of Advances in Medicine
Dedun AR et al. Int J Adv Med. 2017 Jun;4(3):645-649
21 “Clinical, Microbiological and Mortality profile in Ventilator associated Pneumonia : Experience at tertiary care hospital”
Author : Ghanshyam B. Borisagar, Amit R. Dedun , Rajesh N. Solanki
Indian Journal of Chest Disease and Allied Science
Ghanshyam B. Borisagar et al ;2018, Vol.60
22. To study the correlation of pulmonary hypertension in bronchiectasis patients with clinic-radiological profile and Pulmonary function test. Author – Dr. Jitendra A. Sisodia, Dr. Amit R Dedun, Dr. Jay Vadgama*, Dr. Onal Bhatt Indian Journal of Applied Research – IJAR Jay Vadgama et al; Vol-30; Issue-04; April 2023
23. A study of association between GOLD categorization & Co-morbidities among COPD patients at Tertiary Care Hospital Author – Dr. Megha Pathak, Dr. Amit R Dedun, Dr. Jitendra A. Sisodia, Dr. Varsha Prabhakar* Indian Journal of Applied Research – IJAR Megha Pathak et al; Vol-30; Issue-04; April 2023
24. A Prospective study to evaluate the association between electrocardiographic finding and severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severity.
Author – Dhaval Surani, Dr Ranjit Suva*
International Journal of Medical and Science Research 2023; 1(1); 6-11
25. Audit of diagnosis efficacy of CBNAAT for Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis. Author – Kinjal D Rami, Dhaval Surani, Bhumika Patel, Srishty Agarwal, Rahul Patel, Yogesh M*  International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy,Int J Acad Med Pharm; 2023; 5(3); 1967-1970 DOI: 10.47009/JAMP.2023.5.3.387
26. Diagnostic accuracy of GeneXpert MTB/Rif (CBNAAT) in Extrapulmonary and Pulmonary samples at tertiary care center, A Cross-sectional study Author- Dr. Dhaval Surani, Dr. Yogesh M, Dr. Sonal Tarun Chavda, Dr. Kinjal Rami* Europian Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. Volume 13; Issue 2; 1710-1715
27. Assessment f bronchiectasis severity: The FACED Score vs The Bronchiectasis Severity Index (BSI).
Author – Dr. Jitendrakumar A. Sisodia, Dr. Amit R. Dedun*, Dr. Priyanka K. Patel, Dr. Hardik P. Pandya
 Accepted in BJKines - National Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences in September 2023 and will be published.
28. A Study of diagnostic yield of NAAT among Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenitis. Author – Dr. Jitendrakumar A. Sisodia*,Dr. Amit R. Dedun, Dr. Priyanka Patel, Dr. T.S.S Muhammad Yoosuf Accepted in Journal of The Association of Physician of India (JAPI) in December 2023 and will be published.



Sr. Name of Student Topic of Dissertation Year of Thesis Remarks 
1 Dr. Yasin Polra Effectiveness and safety of AKT CAT IV in MDR pulmonary tuberculosis patients  2011-2014 Dissertation submitted
2 Dr . Akhilesh Patel The prospective study of 80 cases of cervical lymphadenopathy coming to pulmonary medicine department from November 2012 to April 2013. 2011-2014 Dissertation submitted
3 Dr  Shrikant  Hiremath A prospective study of clinical scoring verses polysomnogaphy in patients of suspected obstructive sleep apnea syndrome 2012-2015 Dissertation submitted
4 Dr  Apurv Patel Clinical profile of MDR pulmonary TB patients cohorts study  2012-2015 Dissertation submitted
5 Dr.Jyoti Gomber Six Months Outcome Of XDR Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients, Registered At Drug Resistant TB Centre S.S.G,Hoapital, Vadodara. 2013-2016 Dissertation submitted
6 Dr Monika keena Study Of Various Diagnostic Modalities In  Abdominal Tuberculosis Patients Referred At Department Of Pulmonary Medicine,S.S.G.Hospital,Vadodara 2013-2016 Dissertation submitted
7 Dr.Mrugesh Desai Role Of Automated Gene Xpert MTB/RIF System For Rapid Detection Of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis & Rifampicin Resistance In Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 2014-2017 Dissertation submitted
8 Dr.Amisha Shah Image Guided Percutaneous Transthoracic Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology In Suspected Cases Of Lung Carcinoma 2014-2017 Dissertation submitted
9 Dr.Pankaj Panchal Adverse Drug Reactions In Drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients, Registered At DRTB Centre, S.S.G.Hospital, Vadodara. 2015-2018 Dissertation submitted
10 Dr.Tehzeeb Faruqui Role of CBNAAT in rapid detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV positive patients. 2015-2018 Dissertation submitted
11 Dr. Yagnang Vyas Clinical profile of pulmonary tuberculosis in patient associated with diabetes mellitus 2016-2019 Dissertation submitted
12 Dr. Priyanka Patel Conventional transbronchial needle aspiration in the diagnosis of Endobronchial malignant lesions-a comparative study (institution based prospective analytical study) 2017-2020 Dissertation submitted
13 Dr. Jince ann jose Comparison of the efficacy of pleural fluid analysis with flexible fiber-optic video-assisted thoracoscopy guided pleural biopsy in the evaluation of exudative pleural effusion 2017-2020 Dissertation submitted
14 Dr. Chirag Nayee Clinical ,Radiological and Pulmonary Function Characteristics of patients having Asthma COPD overlap syndrome 2017-2020 Dissertation submitted
15 Dr. Sumanth G Study of clinical and investigative profile and its correlation with pulmonary hypertension in COPD patients 2018-2021 Dissertation submitted
16 Dr. Jaysinh  Rathva Role of bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia 2018-2021 Dissertation submitted
17 Dr. Hardik Pandya Assessment of Bronchiectasis severity : the FACED score versus the Bronchiectasis severity index (BSI) 2018-2021 Dissertation submitted
18 Dr. Aslam J. Chauhan Study of clinical, Radiological and histopathological profile of Lung Cancer- Study of 50 cases. 2019-2022 Dissertation submitted
19 Dr. Harini Chari The clinical, microbiological and radiological profile of bacterial pneumonia in diabetes mellitus. 2019-2022 Dissertation submitted
20 Dr. Dennis Simon Adverse drug events reported by patients with HIV/TB co-infection and who are taking both ATT and HAART. 2019-2022 Dissertation submitted
21 Dr. T.S.S. Muhammad Yoosuf Study of diagnostic yield of NAAT among the Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenitis. 2020-2023 On Going
22 Dr. Varsha Prabhakar Yield of BAL field NAAT in sputum AFB and NAAT negative patient of suspected Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients. 2020-2023 On Going
23 Dr. Pathak Megha Study of association between GOLD categorization and co morbidities among the COPD patients at a tertiary care hospital. 2020-2023 On Going
24 Dr. Onal Bhatt Role of inflammatory biomarkers in prediction of treatment outcome in sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients. 2020-2023 On Going
25 Dr. Jaykumar Vadgama  To study the correlation of Pulmonary Hypertension in Bronchiectasis patients with clinical radiological profile and Pulmonary Function Test 2020-2023 On Going
26.    Dr. Bharat J. Vasara A Study of clinical, radiological profile and treatment outcome in patients of Pneumothorax 2022-2025 Ongoing
27.    Dr. Malavika Darnal A study of 6 Minute walk test & It’s correlation with spirometry in stable COPD patients with different severity 2022-2025 Ongoing
28.    Dr. Swati Gohil A study of clinical and radiological profile among patients of interstitial lung disease in SSG hospital and Government Medical College, Baroda 2022-2025 Ongoing
29.    Dr. Surbhi Ramwani A Study of clinico-radiological, Biochemical & microbiological profile among patients of exudative Pleural Effusion 2022-2025 Ongoing
30. Dr. Ekta Zinzala Clinical, Radiological and Histopathological profile of patients with endobronchial lesions on fiberoptic bronchoscopy. 2022-2025 Ongoing
31. Dr. Vijay Patel A study of microbiological profile and sensitivity pattern in patients with exacerbation of bronchiectasis in a tertiary care hospital. 2022-2025  Ongoing
32. Dr. Arpit Sikarwar  A study on clinical profile among patients on NIV with type 2 respiratory failure. 2022-2025 Ongoing
33. Dr. Divya A.  A study on predictors of failure of non-invasive positive pressure ventilatory support in patients with type 1 respiratory failure. 2022-2025 Ongoing




Morning Session

(OPD, Ward Round & Procedures)

Afternoon Session





1) OPD / Ward Round


3) Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing

1) OPD & Journal reading



1) OPD / Ward round

2) Bronchoscopy / Thoracoscopy

1) OPD 

2) Case presentation & Discussion



1) OPD / Ward Round

2) Body  Plethysmography

1) OPD

2) Symposium &

Asthma / COPD Clinic

    Sleep Study



1) OPD / Ward Round

2) Bronchoscopy / Thoracoscopy

1) OPD

2) Topic Presentation




1) OPD / ward Round

2) Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing

1) OPD &

2) 1st & 3rd Friday X-ray/ ECG/ PFT/ ABG

Sleep Study

1) OPD

2) 2nd & 4th Friday Death review



Grand Ward Round/OPD




OPD Hours: 9 AM to 12 PM
• OPD Days (3 days) : OPD case discussion, Patient examination, DMC visit, CBNAAT center visit, Demonstrate and Performed OPD procedures
• Ward Days (3 days) : History taking, Ward patient examination, Ward Procedures(Skill Lab), Chest X Rays (Skill Lab), Drugs & Devices and Clinical case discussion

Post OPD Hours: 5.30 to 6.00 pm
• Student doctor method of teaching (clinical clerkship): Students have to take follow up of allotted case.

Topics to be covered in IInd MBBS (2 week posting ):

1. History Taking
2. Clinical examination, General examination, Systemic examination of patient with COPD, Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Pleural effusion, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, COR Pulmonale, Pneumothorax, Lung cancer and Respiratory failure.
3. Symptomatology
4. Demonstration and ask to do OPD procedures like PEFR, PFT, CO analyzer and Mantoux Test
5. Demonstration of ward procedures like Thoracocentesis, ICD insertion, Bronchoscopy, Thoracoscopy, Ryle’s tube insertion, Urethral catheterization, IM/IV/SC injections at skill lab.
6. Demonstration of Ventilatory setting in RICU patients.
7. Demonstration and discuss uses of various devices like O2 flow meters, Venturi mask, Nasal prong, Nebulizer, Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI), Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI), Spacer, Peak Flow Meter, Ambu Bag with mask, Endotracheal intubation kit, Tracheostomy Tube, BiPAP, CPAP
8. Discussion about Drugs related to TB treatment (Drug Sensitive and Drug Resistant TB) and Respiratory system drugs.
9. Visit to Designated Microscopy Center (DMC) and demonstration of ZN staining of M. Tuberculosis Bacilli.
10. Visit to CBNNAT center and demonstration of techniques of it and advantages of it.
11. Discussion regarding Chest X Ray interpretation
12. Case Presentation of allocated cases

Evaluation at the end of Clinical Posting: It is done with Viva examination / Spots


Dr. Dhaval Surani


Teacher Name                                   Dr.Dhaval Surani
Age                                                  32 Years
Primary Registration No.                 G-51346
Registration Date(MBBS)                  03/04/2014
State Medical Council                      Gujarat Medical Council
College For Qualification(MBBS)      M.P. Shah Medical College Jamnagar
Specialization                       Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases/Pulmonology/Respiratory Medicine
Current College                               Medical College Baroda, Vadodara
Designation                                      Assistant Professor
Date Of Joining                                18/09/2023
Mobile No.                                     8460203822
Email ID                       Dhavalsurani333@gmail.com 


Membership of Different Medical  Associations :
Life Member of Indian Medical Association and Social Security Scheme
Academic activities :
1.       Continuous Undergraduate and Post graduate student teaching towards RNTCP, TB and Chest disease at Medical college Baroda, Vadodara.
2.       Conducting research activities in the field of TB and Chest Disease at Medical college Baroda, Vadodara.


Qualification Details
Sr.No Qualification College State Medical Council Reg.No Reg.Date
1 MBBS M.P. Shah Medical College Jamnagar Gujarat Medical Council G-51346 03/04/2014
2 M. D. M.P. Shah Medical College Jamnagar Gujarat Medical Council G-27997 06/06/2019

Training :

1.       Participated in “SLEEP CENTER OF EXCELLENCE LEVEL-2 TRAINING” at Zydus Hospital, Ahmedabad during 16/122017 – 17/12/2017
2.       Participated & trained in ECMO INDIA 2022 (12th National ECMO training course) by ECMO Society of India at Riddhi Vinayak Multispecialty Hospital, Mumbai during 09/06/2022 – 12/06/2022
3.       Trained & Participated in 46th workshop on Respiratory Allergy : Diagnosis & Management at Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute (National center of respiratory allergy, Asthma & Immunology) during 28/11/2023 – 02/12/2023

Conference Organizer :
1.       Organizer committee member for TESCON-2022 held at Jalandhar, Punjab

Conference/CME/Seminars/Workshops Attended:
1.       Participated and Poster (Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis) in NAPCON 2017 held at Kolkata during 17/11/2017 to 19/11/2017
2.       Participated and Poster (Mounier Kuhn Syndrome) Presented in JIC-2018 held at Ahmedabad during 05/01/2018 – 07/01/2018
3.       Participated in NAPCON-2018 held at Ahmedabad during 29/11/2018 – 03/12/2018
4.       Participated in ACPGCON -2019 held at Mt. Abu during 21/09/2019 – 22/09/2019
5.       Participated & workshop attended (Echocardiography Workshop) in APRCON at Rajkot during 23/04/2022 – 24/04/2022
6.       Participated in SLEEP SUMMIT-2023 at Ahmedabad during 17/12/2023
7.       Participated & Trained in EBUS Workshop-2023 at Vadodara on 24/12/2023
8.       Participated in JIC-2024 at Ahmedabad during 05/01/2024 – 07/01/2024



DR. JITENDRAKUMAR A. SISODIA ( Associate Professor)

Teacher Name


Dr. Jitendrakumar A. Sisodia
34 Years

Primary Registration No.                


Registration Date(MBBS)                 


State Medical Council                     

Gujarat Medical Council

College For Qualification(MBBS)     

B J Medical College, Ahmedabad


Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases/Pulmonology/Respiratory Medicine

Current College                              

Medical College, Baroda


Associate Professor

Date Of Joining                               


Mobile No.                                      


Email ID                                          




Qualification Details




State Medical Council





B J Medical College, Ahmedabad

Gujarat Medical Council




M. D.

B J Medical College, Ahmedabad

Gujarat Medical Council




Membership of Different Medical Associations :

• Life Member of Indian Medical Association & Social Security Scheme.
• Life Member of Indian Association of Physician.

Book Publication :
1. Chapter No. 45 : Prevention of Tuberculosis
• Book Name : Textbook of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Vol. 1 & 2
• Edition : 1st Edition , May 2011.
• Author : S.K.JindalPublisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
• ISBN : 978-93-5025-073-0

Academic activities:-

• Under Graduate Student teaching programme for T. B. & Chest diseases at Medical College Baroda, Vadodara.
• Conducting research activities in the field of T.B. & Chest Diseases at Medical College Baroda, Vadodara.
• Team member in Internal Evaluation of RNTCP in District TB Center – Vadodara Rural in 2012.
• Team member in Internal Evaluation of RNTCP in District TB Center – Vadodara Rural in 2015.

Training :

• RNTCP Modular Training at National Tuberculosis Institute at Bangalore From 27th August 2012 to 8th September 2012.
• National PMDT / DOTS Plus Training at STDC, Ahmedabad from 29th April 2013 to 3rd May 2013.
• MEU Basic Course Training at Govt. Medical College, Baroda from 11th September 2013 to 14th September 2013.

Conference Organizer:

1. Organizing Member of Broncocon 2013, The 18th Annual Conference Of Indian Association for Bronchology February 8th - 10th, 2013 - Medical College & S.S.G Hospital, Vadodara
2. Organizing Member of 25th Gujarat State TB Conference: 23rd - 24th March 2013, Medical College & S.S.G Hospital, Vadodara.

Conference / CME / Seminars / Workshops Attended :

 CME on ‘Overview and Technical Operational Guidelines’ for control of tuberculosis held at Medical College Baroda on 3rd & 7th March 2017.
 Orientation Programme for “Good Clinical Practice Guidelines and Schedule Y” organized by the Institutional Ethics Committee For Human Research at Medical College, Baroda on 14th October 2015.
 Good Clinical Practice Workshop organized by Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar on 15th December 2014.
 Pilot project on “Integrated Learning Programme” for 3rd MBBS Part I students, as part of “Integrated Medical Education with Primary and Secondary care – a 5 state project” in collaboration with CIPS Hyderabad, CMC Vellore and MGIMS, Wardha conducted from 16th September to 5th October 2013 at Medical College Baroda, Vadodara.
 Training Course on Pleuroscopy & EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound) organized by Foundation for Cardio Respiratory Disorders in association with Olympus at New Delhi on 5th August 2012.
 “Ashrai Respiratory Update” held at Ahmedabad, organized by Ashrai Associates & Dept. of TB & Chest medicine B.J.Medical College on 8th July 2012.
 ASHRAI – CON 2011 held at Ahmedabad on 4th – 6th March 2011.
 Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) Programme in December 2010 by American Heart Association.
 P.G Student training Workshop conducted by P.D.Y Patil Medical College, Pune in August 2010.
 Critical Care Workshop on Empiric Antibiotic Therapy in an ICU setting held on 18th July 2010.
 Respiratory Update held at Ahmedabad organized by ASHRAI Associates in May 2010.
 3C – CON organized by The Heart Care Clinic, Ahmedabad in January 2010. 3rd National Update in Respiratory Medicine held at Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai in December 2009.
 1st Post Graduate CME Programme in Respiratory Medicine held at Baroda in October 2009.
 CME on Universal Precaution and Post Exposure Prophylaxis held at B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad on 12th January 2009.
 42nd Annual Conference of the Indian College of Allergy, Asthma & Applied Immunology held at Ahmedabad in December 2008.
 6th Annual Update on HIV / AIDS held at Government Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad in January 2007.
 CME Programme on HIV/AIDS Prevention & Awareness organized by NACO in November 2006.
 Workshop on Rational Use of Blood, organized by Department of IHBT & Gujarat State AIDS Control Society, held at Ahmedabad.

Dr. Rohit Vasava

Teacher Name                                   Dr. Vasava Rohitkumar Bhimabhai
Age                                                  31 Years
Primary Registration No.                 G-57650
Registration Date(MBBS)                  29/10/2016
State Medical Council                      Gujarat Medical Council
College For Qualification(MBBS)      PDU Medical College, Rajkot
Specialization                       Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases/Pulmonology/Respiratory Medicine
Current College                               Medical College Baroda, Vadodara
Designation                                      Assistant Professor
Date Of Joining                                21/07/2023
Mobile No.                                        7984136043
Email ID                       drrohitvasava1234@gmail.com




Dr. Amit R Dedun

Teacher Name DR.AMIT R DEDUN
Age 38 Years
Primary Registration No. G-36741
Registration Date(MBBS) 09/03/2016
State Medical Council Gujarat Medical Council
College For Qualification(MBBS) B.J.Medical college Ahmedabad
Specialization Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases/Pulmonology/Respiratory Medicine
Current College Medical College Baroda, Vadodara
Designation Associate Professor
Date Of Joining 02/02/2021
Mobile No. 9825845220
Email ID amitonly007@gmail.com


Qualification Details
Sr.No Qualification College State Medical Council Reg.No Reg.Date
1 MBBS NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad Gujarat Medical Council G-36741 09/03/2006
2 M. D. B.J.Medical College, Ahmedabad Gujarat Medical Council G-16623 30/06/2009


Membership of Different Medical Associations :
• Life Member of Indian Medical Association and Social Security Scheme
• Life Member of National College of Chest Physician

Academic activities :
• Continuous Undergraduate and Post graduate student teaching towards RNTCP, TB and Chest disease at Medical college Baroda, Vadodara.
• Conducting research activities in the field of TB and Chest Disease at Medical college Baroda, Vadodara.

Training :
• Undergone “National level PMDT Training” under RNTCP organized by CTD, New Delhi at STDC, Ahmedabad from 21/08/12 to 25/08/12
• Participated in “Basic course workshop in Medical Education Technologies” at M P Shah Govt. Medical College, Jamnagar during 29th to 31st March, 2014.
• Participated in training programme on “Bedaquiline Conditional Access Program under PMDT” from 18th February to 19th February, 2016 at STDC, Ahmedabad

Conference Organizer :
• Organizing committee member for napcon 2018, held at Ahmedabad.

Conference/CME/Seminars/Workshops Attended:
• Participated in 2- day PSG and SLEEP Disorder Course by Sleep Asia held at Ahmedabad during 26th and 27th September, 2012.
• Participated in 9th Annual Scientific Symposium, Certificate course on “Critical care/Pulmonary” as Delagate held at The Grand Bhagwati, Ahmedabad on 5th and 6th January, 2013.
• Participated in CME/WORKSHOP of “BRONCOCON2013” jointly organized by Govt Medical college Baroda from 8th to 10th February 2013 at Vadodara.
• Participated in “ASHRAICON 2013 A Critical care Update” held on 30th June 2013 at Ahmedabad.
• Participated in workshop on “Bronchoscopy “ held at Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad on 21st June 2014.
• Participated in “ASHRAICON 2013 A Critical care Update” held on 30th June 2013 at Ahmedabad.
• Participated in Symposium on ‘Tuberculosis Unlocked” at, Ahmedabad on 27th July, 2014.
• Participated in CME on“ABG and Electrolytes” held on 2nd August, 2014 at Ahmedabad.
• Participated in workshop on “Interventional Pulmonology and EBUS” held on 11TH August 2014 at Ahmedabad.
• Participated in workshop on “Non Invasive Ventilation ” held on 10th January 2015 at Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, B J Medical college, Ahmedabad.
• Participated in workshop on “SLEEP DISORDER” held on 14th March, 2015 at Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, B J Medical college Ahmedabad.
• Participated in “ASHRAICON ” held on 11th October 2015 at Ahmedabad.
• Participated in workshop on “Good Clinical Practice” held on 9th January, 2016 at B J Medical college and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad.
• Participated in “JIC 2016 ” AS Faculty held on 8th January 2015 at Ahmedabad
• Participated in “ZONAL TASK FORCE MEETING (west Zone) Bhopal, MP held on 15th to 16th January 2016 at Bhopal.
• Participated in CME on “Respiratory Update -2016” held on 24th April 2016 organized by ACPG, Gujarat.
• Participated in “Sleep Disordered Breathing Course ” held on 26th August 2016 at CIMS, Ahmedabad
• Participated in symposium on “JIC 2017 Cardiovascular ” held on 6th January 2017 CIMS, at Ahmedabad
• Participated in “Annual Conference of Association of Chest Physician of Gujarat ” from 7th to 8th January 2017, at Silvasa.
• Carried out ERS WORKSHOP as a STATE COORDINATOR , on 29th November, at NAPCON 2018 at Ahmedabad
• Conducted Post Graduate state/Zonal and National round on 29th and 30th November at NAPCON 2018, Ahmedabad

Dr. Priyankaben K. Patel

Teacher Name                                   DR.PYARPINKESH N. RATHVA
Age                                                  30 Years
Primary Registration No.                 G-49726
Registration Date(MBBS)                  17/04/2013
State Medical Council                      Gujarat Medical Council
College For Qualification(MBBS)      B.J.Medical college Ahmedabad
Specialization                       Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases/Pulmonology/Respiratory Medicine
Current College                               Medical College Baroda, Vadodara
Designation                                      Assistant Professor
Date Of Joining                                30/07/2020
Mobile No.                                        8469221132
Email ID                       pinkeshrathva@gmail.com

• Attended and successfully completed a hands on training programme on “emergency life saving skills ”(based on international guidelines) held on 25/09/2018 , Baroda Medical College, Vadodara.

Conference/CME/Seminars/Workshops Attended:
• Participated in NAPCON 2019, the national conference organized by Indian chest society and national college of chest physicians conducted at Kochi, Kerala from 22/11/2019 to 24/11/2019 as delegate.
• Participated as delegate at JIC2019 cardiovascular symposium held at PDU, Ahmedabad on J January 05 to 06, 2019.
• Scientific poster, “A resolving lung abscess on chest x ray - the hidden truth” was presented at JIC 2019, held from 4th-6th January 2019 at Ahmedabad.
• Participated as delegate at ACPGCON 2018 held on 20th and 21st January, Rajkot.
• Participated as delegate in respiratory update at GOA from 20-22 July 2018.
• Participated as delegate in Cardiac conference -CARDICON-2017 held on 30th September and 01st October 2017 at Akota, Vadodara.
• Participated in delegate in Cardiac conference -CARDICON-2019 held on 20th January 2019 at Akota, Vadodara.
• Participated as delegate in west zone post graduate respiratory update held at Mumbai on 6th and 7th October,2018.
• Participated as delegate in respiratory post graduation meet held at Pune on 23rd and 24th September 2017.



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